Hi again. I want to conclude this series quickly. That’s why I’m publishing this second post today. Let’s continue with our sharp/flat pentatonic blues scales series. The topic of this post: D#/Eb pentatonic blues guitar scale.

Obviously the root note here is D#/Eb and the blue note is A.

Notice (the image below) that you begin by playing the first note on the 1st fret of the D4 string and work your way up until you reach the last note on the 4th fret of the B2 string.

Here’s the figure:

D# Eb Pentatonic Blues Scale 1

And here is the tab:

D# Eb Pentatonic Blues Scale 1 tab

As always, here’s yet another pattern of the D#/Eb pentatonic blues scale. This one’s a little more challenging, but still nothing really difficult.

You begin by playing the root note on the 11th fret of the E6 string, then progress your way up through two consecutive sets of the scale, and eventually end the scale on the 11th fret but this time on the E1 string.

Here’s the figure:

D# Eb Pentatonic Blues Scale 2

And here’s the tab:

D# Eb Pentatonic Blues Scale 2 tab

If you want to learn more you can visit all-guitar-chords.com and get the full pattern for the D#/Eb pentatonic blues scale (click here).