It’s time for the second part of the sharp and flat harmonic minor guitar scales training series. Today let’s look at the D#/Eb harmonic minor guitar scale.

You start off by playing the root note – D#/Eb on the 1st fret of the D4 string. Then you proceed until you reach the 4th fret of the B2 string giving you another D#/Eb note (one octave higher).

Here’s the figure:

D# Eb Harmonic Minor Scale

And here’s the tab:

D# Eb Harmonic Minor Scale tab

The next pattern will be a little more exciting. You begin playing by hitting the first note on the 6th fret of the A5 string. You play two sets of the scale and finish on the last note which is on the 11th fret of the E1 string.

Here’s the pattern:

D# Eb Harmonic Minor Scale 2

And here’s the tab:

D# Eb Harmonic Minor Scale 2 tab

I encourage you to use this second pattern for practicing. It will improve the agility and speed of your left hand’s fingers.

Here’s a short video clip presenting a different pattern (two sets of the scale), starting on the 11th fret of the E6 string.

If you want to learn more you can visit and get the full pattern for the D#/Eb harmonic minor scale (click here).